Juan Orellana (Voter #176) said :
"Talk to Phase5 they are the best Amiga developer around at the moment."
Martin Towell (Voter #179) said :
"My main concern is that Gateway2000 is going to continue to produce the
Amiga, especially for the low-end market, where I think most of the potential
market is, instead of using the technology to make other non-Amiga machines."
Thomas Palestio (Voter #181) said :
"Good luck Gateway2000!"
Steve Wood (Voter #182) said :
"After years of waiting it's getting to the stage where we can all start
hoping again.
Not only have Gateway2000 taken over the Amiga, we also find that software and hardware developers are coming back on-line.
With the licensing of the Amiga technology, the future can only get better!"
Andrew Moore (Voter #184) said :
"Don't mind if the new Amiga(s) will be expensive but a cheap model is a nice
idea, as long as it doesn't bring down the standard of software as a whole..."
Stefan Bergmann (Voter #189) said :
"This should be the highend model. There should also be some models for
people who don't have so much money. One of the most important things is
that every new model should have PPC, because in my opinion this is the
future. Maybe a CyberVision PPC would also be great.
Little note : There are a lot of shops and traders in the U.K. and Germany but there aren't any in Austria except two little shops. There is no publicity in Austria, like a convention or a bigger event. It would be nice if AI or G2000 would also look at the countries where the Amiga isn't so big anymore!"
Ashley Finney (Voter #191) said :
"I'm sure that Gateway2000 will do the best for the Amiga and it's future.
Long live the Amiga."
Lorenzo Caprio (Voter #192) said :
"I'd like it if Gateway would improve the Copper, Blitter, and make AGA 32-bit
with a 16-bit sound card.
Anyway, Amiga rulez."
Brian Donahue (Voter #193) said :
"How about some advertising so I don't have to spend hours trying to
convince people what an Amiga is and that I'm not stupid for having one!?"
Berislav Jozic (Voter #194) said :
"Keep this great computer alive, it can be the computer for the next millenium."
NAME NOT GIVEN (Voter #196) said :
"Get the Amiga Walker out now!!! Make it low cost; CD-ROM PCMCIA Port and at
least 68030 CPU or better, 68040 also PowerPC upgradeable."
Alexander Ljungber (Voter #197) said :
"Obviously, sticking to the 680x0 series is not even possible to consider,
because of two factors:
1. Our opponents get quicker,
2. The actual processors are already here!
Also, when rewriting the OS for PPC, consider updating it all at the same time - 4.0 thank you :) We'll be losing a lot of backwards compatability, if not all, so "we" should take our chance! We might be able to get away from the Windows 95 scenario. (MS had to force the market into getting it.)"
A Jones (Voter #199) said :
"Ditch the 680x0, make PPC standard on all models. New 3D graphics chipset
and 16 bit sound. Buffered IDE interface. Built in scan doubler to allow use
of cheap hires SVGA monitors."
Tahir Kocakurt (Voter #202) said :
"I was an Amiga user in Turkey. But there is no distributor anymore so there
is no support for us. Because of this I sold my Amiga but as I sold something
in my heart went away and I am very worried about it.
I am a computer programmer and I myself practiced on the Amiga. I realised
that this machine (I don't want to call it a machine any more) is still very
powerful. So I want you to help us live happy with our new Amigas."
Steve Matty (Voter #203) said :
"Fingers well and truly crossed, for all our sakes."
Daniel Dahlberg (Voter #204) said :
"If the Amiga is to have any future what so ever, then it MUST be a serious
competitor to the PC and all the games consoles where games are concerned,
or be better than any Mac when it comes to multimedia. The best, would, of
course, be both.
One very fatal error Commodore made, was not to improve the Amiga over the
years. When the A500 first came out, it was great. No PC/Mac could touch it.
In the early 90's, the scenario has changed. The Mac's and PC's all had new
hardware, and newer versions of their OS, but all Commodore had done was to
upgrade to Kickstart 2.0, and put another 512K into the machine. Removing
the numeric keypad and calling it an A600 didn't help much.
All in all, please don't make the same mistakes Commodore did."
Scott Massar (Voter #206) said :
"Hopefully you know this already, time is critical in saving the Amiga....
Phase 5 have a new system ready to go, USE IT."
Paul Burkey (Voter #207) said :
"An updated Workbench (preferably with a PPC version) is one of the most
important things we need. That, and a powerful yet cheap low end machine that
we can all be proud of. No more keyboard computers! We need big box machines
only. Maybe even a cheap A1200 style tower system which doesn't even need
Zorro slots. Users can buy the Zorro board of their choice. 030/50 or 040/25
should be minimum but a full PPC Amiga running 68k emulation would be a great
bottom of the range system to die for!"
Darren Smith (Voter #208) said :
"Make us great again Petro!"
Keith G. Robertson-Turner (Voter #211) said :
"I say to hell with the price and lets just go ballistic on POWER.
I'd happily pay 3 grand for the ultimate Amiga system, at least I'd know
that I wasn't paying for something stuffed full of compromises and 2nd class
rubbish for the sake of a few sales... that never happened 'cos the PC has
dominated the market."
Kenji Irie (Voter #214) said :
"Basically, PC hardware is so cheap you cannot afford to not take advantage
of it. 16Mb SIMM in the minimum you can buy here in New Zealand. 2.5Gb HD
is also the smallest HD, and a 20x CD-ROM the slowest CD Drive. How can 12x
be included when 20x is only $90US?
Software : You gotta have a good game from each genre. Utils : Some basics needed as shown above.
Monitor : Hard one. Optional 14/15" Multisync is best.
Modem : Nope. Cheap to buy externals, and many people who would buy the next Amiga's will be upgraders like me who have one or more modems.
The next Amiga NEEDS 24-bit GFX, and it needs to be FAST to be compare with PC GFX cards."
Boris Bojic (Voter #215) said :
"Well, Gateway2000, save the Amiga! It's of the best computers ever built..
the fault was that it wasn't supported well enough by Commodore and Escom...
so, do the best you can and you'll become VERY rich."
John Marchetti (Voter #217) said :
"New Amiga models must use existing Amiga standards such as the PCI bus."
Todd H. Knight (Voter #219) said :
"Remove the Chip/Fast RAM limitations, with that gone, 90% of the Amiga's
RAM troubles will be history."
R. de Herder (Voter #221) said :
"We need a PowerPC OS!!! Without it the multitasking is dead on a PPC card"
sN00Py (Voter #222) said :
"Bah, I am getting
I have always said that I would stick with Amiga because its the best but
now I am depressed seeing all these other platforms around me with new, fast
technology, I have considered buying one of the Wintel
Vidar Skjelanger (Voter #226) said :
"Go make that new Amiga the standard for the future!"
Stephen Griffiths (Voter #227) said :
"Can Gateway save the Amiga?
They already have! Now it is time to build up from the roots and
flourish into a beautiful flower again"
Anbjoern Myren (Voter #228) said :
"I wish someone could write a system friendly Amiga emulator that could work
on all newer Amigas, where you get a choice at the start which chipsets and
processor you'd like, with default modes like standard A500 and A1200. It
could be software based only, or it could be an expansion board equipped with
a 68000 and a 68020. These chips cost next to nothing anyway. I also think
Phase 5 should be supported by Gateway2000.
And we need a new OS. First ('cause it's the fastest way to do it) a 680x0 version, and them ported to PPC. When the PPC version is ready it should support dual processors like in the Phase 5 PowerUp boards."